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BeBalanced Hormone Weight Loss Center

BeBalanced Hormone Weight Loss Center

Q: What is natural hormone balancing?

Natural hormone balancing is a unique methodology that the founder of BeBalanced developed to help women live a higher quality of life by balancing their sex and stress hormones without synthetic HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or BHRT (biochemical hormone replacement therapy).

Natural hormone balancing is fast, safe and simple and works by getting the sex hormone cortisol back in balance along with lowering the hormone insulin which is meant to control blood sugar. By balancing these two hormones it allows the sex hormones to more easily come back into balance.

Then by adding a little bit of natural plant based progesterone the body can easily balance out estrogen and progesterone aiding fast weight loss while improving mood,  sleep, energy, and thyroid function as well as PMS/menopausal symptoms.

Q: What causes women’s hormones to become out of balance?

Stress is the main culprit. Stress increases the need for the hormone cortisol, which is needed to buffer us from stress. When there is a chronic demand for cortisol, the body cannot keep up. The body then ” steals” a hormone called progesterone and converts it to the lacking cortisol. When this happens it leaves women with lower progesterone and dominant in the opposing hormone called estrogen. This is a major problem for women and it is called “estrogen dominance”.

The sad fact is that most women in America have “estrogen dominance”. This is simply due to the stress of living in a modern society. Stress is not just mental and emotional such as financial problems, family issues, job pressure and problem solving. Stress can also be physical, such as lack of sleep, physical pain/body misalignments, low level infections in the body, intense exercise, extreme temperatures and electromagnetic fields coming from cell phones / computers.

Everyone, no matter how good their emotional state, is under excess and chronic stress in our society.

Q: How does estrogen dominancerelate to weight?

Progesterone is not just simply used for progestation during pregnancy but it is a woman’s best friend. When a woman is low in progesterone and dominant in estrogen, she lacks an important hormone that is essential for stabilizing blood sugar, decreasing appetite, increasing fat burning ability and is a natural diuretic.

Therefore, progesterone allows women to burn fat efficiently.

When estrogen is dominant the extra estrogen stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin no matter what the woman consumes. When insulin is high in the bloodstream a woman cannot burn fat or go into ketosis ( a fat burning state). This scenario will cause blood sugar fluctuations, increasing appetite and fat storing and making it almost impossible for a woman lose weight.

Q: What does BeBalanced weight loss program consist of?

1. Education helping a woman understand about her body.

2. Support through the entire process.

3. Lifestyle changes are presented such as daily relaxation therapy and a hormone balancing diet (exchange system) of whole/clean foods from the grocery store.

4. Supplementation that supports the gut microbiome, detoxification of the liver and the balancing of sex and stress hormones.

What are some of the other benefits of naturally balancing your hormones if you don’t need to lose weight?

Premenopausal women and girls will have more regulated, symptom-free menstrual cycles, have more energy, sleep deeper, a steady mood with less chances of anxiety and depression and be free from typical PMS and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, brain fog, fatigue, vaginal dryness, low libido etc.

Q: How does increasing progesterone and balancing out estrogen dominanceaid in other issues women deal with?

FLUID RETENTION: Progesterone is a natural diuretic so it will aid with migraines, ankle swelling, and excess fluid around the abdomen and high blood pressure.

MOOD: Progesterone increases the neurochemical GABA in the brain which naturally relaxes us, aiding in deep restorative sleep as well as working as an anti-anxiety which will then automatically decrease depression.

SLEEP: Progesterone increases our ability to relax and fall asleep and the ability to stabilize blood sugar so there is no crash in the middle of the night causing cortisol to rise, waking a woman up. This is the main reason women wake up at night to go to the bathroom etc. and they often experience a hot flash or night sweat in the process. 

FEMALE CONDITIONS: Progesterone also inhibits the excess growth of tissue minimizing heavy periods, endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts and even estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.

SKIN/SEX LIFE: Progesterone naturally regulates other hormones such as estrogen and testosterone aiding skin ( fighting acne and rosacea) and libido/sexual response.

DISEASE: Progesterone stabilizes blood sugar, decreasing the chances of insulin resistance and diabetes. It also has a negative impact on growing cancers.

PMS: Progesterone also aids in PMS symptoms like irritability, cravings, headaches, cramps and heavy periods.

MENOPAUSE: Also, all symptoms of peri and post menopause occur due to a dramatic fall in progesterone. Estrogen only falls slightly and the body has the ability to make more easily. Progesterone falling causes hot flashes and night sweats, lack of libido, vaginal dryness etc. and progesterone aids all these conditions.

Q: How can natural hormone balancing help women with thyroid problems?

Raising progesterone supports the thyroid while “estrogen dominance” fights the thyroid, making it less efficient. By increasing progesterone and decreasing cortisol and insulin, the thyroid becomes more efficient and often less medication is needed. So whether a client is dealing with Graves, Hashimotos, hyper or hypo thyroid, balancing hormone yields fantastic results. BeBalanced also works with area doctors as they slowly lower medication as a client’s thyroid begins to become more efficient.

Q: What other services/products does BeBalanced offer?

  • Our signature weight loss program allows for weight loss of 15-20 lbs. to come off in one month and we guarantee it. If you don’t lose at least 15 lbs by following the program, we will give you extra appointments or supplements until you reach that goal.
  • BeBalanced also offers our natural hormone balancing creams for those who do not wish to lose weight but who want to aid PMS/ menopausal symptoms. BeBalanced centers also offer certain nutrition/lifestyle tips to allow a synergistic result.
  • BeBalanced offers programs to aid gut health such as our BeRenewed (leaky gut) program or our BeGone (candida elimination) program.
  • BeBalanced offers online classes called ‘Balanced Bites’ to aid in clients fully embracing a wellness lifestyle.
  • BeBalanced offers a complete supplement line that is unique in that our manufacturer has four official seals of approval. These include certified good manufacturing practices, third-party testing for potency and purity, and FDA approval for the making of supplements.
  • BeBalanced offers a complimentary guide called “Consumer’s Guide to Purchasing Supplements”. Due to no FDA regulation for supplementation in the US many supplements have toxic by-products not listed on the label and all the ingredients on the label aren’t necessarily in this supplements. This was shown by government studies. This informative client brochure was developed to allow consumers to read more about supplements and understand how to make informed decisions.

Q: What age ranges can do natural hormone balancing?

BeBalanced accepts young girls as long as they have had their first monthly cycle and are accompanied by a parent. Their focus tends to be women from 35 to 65 dealing with premenopausal and menopausal symptoms but women after the age of 65 can also benefit by slowing aging and preventing diseases that come with age.

Q: How do I know if I have a hormone imbalance?

BeBalanced states that if you live in America you most likely have a imbalance especially if you suffer from any PMS or menopausal symptoms or struggle with issues with weight, mood or sleep.

Click Below on the link and you can go directly to our website for a simple hormonal assessment. A natural hormone balancing specialist will contact you and set up a free consultation or you can book an appointment yourself.

Q: Does BeBalanced do hormone testing?

No, the good news is that everything is symptom-based and the client simply takes a symptom based questionnaire to determine if there is an imbalance.

Because the method BeBalanced uses to get a woman balanced is not medicine, there is no chance of overdosing. The BeBalanced way to promote balance is always using diet and lifestyle tips as well as high quality, hormone balancing supplements. The supplements are either in the form of a natural plant-based cream which is transdermal (any excess is eliminated in the urine within 18 to 24 hours) or a homeopathic form.

Saliva testing is the only accurate way to test sex hormones and often doctors will use blood tests which show the free hormones as well as the “bound” hormones that are not currently available. This makes blood testing a fairly inaccurate way to test what hormones are available to the cells at any given point.

Q: How do I know if natural hormone balancing is right for me?

If you are dealing with a stubborn weight, issues with mood, sleep or energy or any other type of PMS or menopausal symptom related to female health, natural hormone balancing can help. You can set up a free one-hour consultation to review your specific needs and answer your questions.

A BeBalanced specialists will send you a short video link to watch ahead of time so you can prepare your question.

Please call 717-569-3040 or book online at this link

Q: Is BeBalanced a franchise?

Yes the Lancaster Center on Oregon Pike is the first location known as the Flagship Center. But BeBalanced has 25 other locations throughout the US. The closest locations are York, Camp Hill, Harrisburg and Wyomissing.  Other locations closer to the Philadelphia area include Blue Bell, Bryn Mawr, Collegeville and Westchester. Please check the website to locate where the locations in various states are.

Q: What is the BeBalanced motto?

BeBalanced believes all women can look and feel their best at any age. Every age, every stage, they have women covered.

BeBalanced wants women to have a place in the community where they can come to get candid answers about their weight, female health and sexual health.

Stress and Your Hormones… Are You Living Your Best Life?

Dawn M. Cutillo -Bio

BeBalanced Business Profile

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